Sunday, April 22, 2007

Waiting in Vain

Waiting has long been my pet peeve. Something about being ready and agonizingly waiting for the minutes/hours to pass have wreaked havoc on my semi-ADHD state.

The gravity of the situation is amplified because I feel that time is always running out. I've always multi-tasked because I want to do so many things at one time. I've had that frame of mind since I was a kid and was probably the only one who never slept at nap time and deviced various ways to wake myself up (I didn't know how to operate an alarm clock back then).

Over the years, I've developed ways to combat boredom induced by waiting:
1. always bring along a paperback or magazine to read. if you're in an area where there is a bookstore, let your mind explore
2. keep your mobile phone by your side because the games come in handy
3. play mindless games on your laptop
4. keep a notebook for doodling or writing ideas
5. observe people passing. make up stories in your head at the same time.
6. if you're waiting at home, plonk yourself down in front of the TV set and just while the hours away.
7. play with your dog... or torment it by throwing items for it to retrieve, if you feel a bit naughty
8. If you're stuck in traffic, use your mobile headset and chat away with people on the phone. It helps if you have Sun Cellular Mobile
9. Sing your heart out to a CD of your choice if you're stuck in traffic. This works only if your windows are all closed and your car is almost sound proof.
10. take pictures and play around with them.

there are lots more ways to battle boredom. it's just a matter of creativity

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